Vote now for your favorite candidate(s)!

Board elections (2 until 6 October 2023)


Dear member of EV Belgium, 

Since Monday, you can vote in order to elect 5 new boardmembers using the button below. Many members of EV Belgium have already casted their vote in the last two days. In order to make sure that all Company-Members vote, we kindly sent this reminder to those companies who have not had the time to vote yet. 

Who to vote for?: 

As a reminder: 

  1. Please note that each company member of EV Belgium is allowed to vote once for each of the open positions.
  2.  Voting will be possible between 2 October (at 08h00) and 6 October 2023 (at 23h00)

Any problems or questions? Please contact us!

Best of luck to all candidates, 

Team EV Belgium